Hello Stranger,
     My name is Karen Barbour and I'm currently located in Austin, Texas. So, would you prefer to read the short version or the long version? Fair warning I can ramble quite a bit. 
The Short Version:
     I have always been artistically inclined and have explored both Traditional Fine Arts as well as Digital Art practices.  I'm a total geek, gamer, cosplayer, BUJO enthusiast, cat lover & more. 
The Long Version:
     I grew up with a strong urge to draw and create, sometimes much to my parents chagrin as no surface was safe from my markers.
     In Highschool I attended my local Austin Community College (ACC) early to take advantage of their fine arts program. Figure drawing, painting, sculpture, I loved it all. After graduating Highschool in 2011 I looked further into ACC's programs and decided to take a chance with the Visual Communications department and started with learning Adobe InDesign. I figured if I could enjoy making paperwork forms I'd be content just about anywhere. Maybe my best decision ever as luck was on my side and I loved it! 
     As for hobbies; I'm a huge geek for Video Games and all things nerdy. I often lurk in Twitch streams while I draw and work on projects. My friends and I love Anime and we have started our own Youtube channel to share our reactions to new shows and read other's opinions on the latest episodes. I regularly attend local anime conventions where I sometimes Cosplay. Using those Fine Art skills to translate 2D to 3D forms and make the fantasy a little more real.
     I am also currently in the process of preparing to sell at a Convention in an Artist Alley for the first time, fingers crossed!

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